C# Tutorials:ADO.NET Tutorials

SQL(Structured Query Language):
SQL (Structured Query Language) is a computer language aimed to store, manipulate, and query data stored in relational databases.
Structured Query Language is made of four parts DDL, DML, DCL, DTL.

Data Definition Language = Create, Alter, Drop
Data Manipulation Language = Insert, Delete, Update, Select
Data Control Language = Grant, Revoke
Data Transaction Language = Commit, Rollback, SavePoint

ADO (Active data objects) is the Common Object Model for all databases.It can be said that ADO.NET will connect the front end(User Interface) and the backend(DataBase) which is SQL server in our case.

Managed Provider:
It is a .Net component implementing certain standard set of interfaces provided by Microsoft, for a specific type of backend.
System.Data.SqlClient Manage Provider is used as the managed provider for SqlServer.

Important Objects in Managed Provider are the connection,command and data reader.
Connection: Connection object encapsulates the functionaly of establishing a communication path over the sockets.

Command: Command Object can be used for execution of any type of Sql Statement including Stored Procedures.

DataReader: There different kinds of data readers available for ADO.NET operations.

Steps to execute any SQL Statement
1. Create a Connection
2. Create a Command
3. Bind the Command to Connection
4. Initialize Command with SQL Statement to execute
5. Open the Connection
6. Execute the Command
7. Close the Connection

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