Azure App Services - part1

Azure App Services

  • Introduction
  • App Types
  • Deploying Web App directly from Visual Studio
  • Continuous Delivery using Visual Studio Team Service
  • Automate deployment from Dropbox
  • Scaling a Web App
  • Traffic Manager
  • Application Settings Configuration
  • Understanding Deployment Slots
  • Configure a custom domain name
  • Enable SSL for your custom domain
  • Monitoring, Debugging and Diagnosis

Azure App Services Introduction

Why App Service?

Focused on rapid development of web and mobile apps, as well as automating business processes, Azure App Service provides an integrated set of enterprise capabilities through a single development and management experience offering you the following benefits:

  • Build Web and Mobile Apps Fast - Rapidly build, deploy and manage web and mobile apps for employees or customers using a single back-end. Use your existing languages skills -- .NET, Java, NodeJS, PHP, or Python. Accelerate development with access to a rich gallery of APIs, connectors, and logic available in the Azure Marketplace.
  • Connect to any service and unlock your data - Connect your web or mobile app to enterprise systems or SaaS in minutes with built-in connectors. Choose from more than 50 connectors for enterprise systems such as SAP, Siebel, and Oracle to popular enterprise SaaS services like Salesforce and Office 365 to popular internet services such as Facebook, Twitter and Dropbox.
  • Integration made simple - Integrate data across clouds and automate business processes in minutes with a simple visual design experience. Easily integrate your logic with any mobile or web app via standard REST APIs. Build sophisticated enterprise application integration, B2B solutions using EDI, business policies (rules engine), and more based on the industry leading BizTalk platform.
  • Unparalleled developer productivity - Optimized for DevOps, with continuous integration support for Visual Studio Team Services and Github, so you can focus on rapidly improving your apps without worrying about infrastructure. Deploy app updates with built-in staging, roll-back and in-production testing capabilities.
  • Enterprise Ready - Enjoy peace of mind with enterprise grade security and management. Provide delegated and role-based administration; easily secure and manage data flowing to your mobile apps; and protect your assets with built-in backup and restore capability. Rest confidently knowing App Service is PCI compliant. Stay in control with dedicated environments, and the ability to deploy across public and private clouds. Benefit from over 25 years of Microsoft experience and our enterprise Service Level Agreement.

App Types

App Service allows you to create the following app types from a single development experience:

  1. Web Apps - Quickly create and deploy mission critical Web apps that scale with your business.
  2. Mobile Apps - Engage employees, partners and customers on any device at any time.
  3. API Apps - Easily build and consume Cloud APIs.
  4. Logic Apps - Automate the access and use of data across clouds without writing code.
As a single integrated service, App Service makes it easy to compose the above app types into a single solution, allowing you to easily build apps that target both web and mobile clients using the same back-end and integrate with on premise systems as well as popular services such as Office 365 and

Deploying Web Application directly from Visual Studio

  • Create a new ASP.NET MVC Web Application in Azure Web Service
    • ASP.NET Template  = MVC
    • Change Authentication = No Authentication
    • Check Host in the cloud.
    • Sign-In to Azure Account and then Create App Service dialog box asks you what resources you want to create. ==> Create
Note: In a few seconds, Visual Studio creates the web project in the folder that you specified, and it creates the web app in the Azure region that you specified.
Note: The Azure App Service Activity window shows that the web app has been created.
  • Deploy / Publish the project.
    • In Solution Explorer, right-click the project, and choose Publish.
    • The wizard opens to a publish profile that has settings for deploying the web project to the new web app. If you wanted to deploy to a different web app, you could click the Profile tab to create a different profile. 
    • Choose default options and finally click on Publish.The Output and Azure App Service Activity windows show what deployment actions were taken and report successful completion of the deployment.
  • Update files using the Server Explorer window which shows the files and folders in the new project.
    • In Server Explorer, navigate to Azure ==> App Service ==> <MyResourceGroup>, and then expand the node for your web app.
  • Monitor and manage the web application in Azure Portal
    • Login to Azure Portal, 
    • Click App Services, and then click the name of your web app.
    • Click Settings to see more options for configuring your web app
    • Click Application settings to see an example of the kinds of settings that you can configure in the Portal.
  • Getting Publish Profile from Azure Portal
    • Login to Azure Portal,
    • Click App Services, and then click the name of your web app.
    •  In the tool bar click on Get Publish Profile
    •  Save the Profile locally on your disk.
    •  Go to VS.NET, Right Click on Project ==> Publish
    •  Select Profile Tab ==> Click Import ==> Profile the downloaded profile name ==> OK
    •  Click Publish.
Note: Profile will be saved for further use in <Project>/Properties/PublishProfiles/*.pubxml
  • Publishing using other FTP tools like FileZilla
    • Login to Azure Portal,
    • Click App Services, and then click the name of your web app.
    • Go to Settings ==> select Deployment Credentials
    • Provide FTP/deployment user name and password
    • Save
    • Look at Essentials Section of Selected App Service and copy FTP hostname and user name
    •  Open FileZilla and use the above hostname and credentials to connect and upload files
Note: Although it's easy to copy your web app's files to Azure using FTP utilities, they don't automatically take care of or coordinate related deployment tasks such as deploying a database or changing connection strings. Also, many FTP tools don't compare source and destination files in order to skip copying files that haven't changed. For large Apps, always copying all files can result in long deployment times even for minor updates since all files are always copied.

Automate deployment from Dropbox and One Drive

Dropbox is not a source control system, but if you store your source code in Dropbox you can automate deployment from your Dropbox account.
  1. Create a drop box account @
  2. Go to  
  3. Select the App Service ==> Settings ==> Publishing ==> Deployment Source ==> Configure required Settings ==> Dropbox
  4. Authorize Azure to access your drop box 
  5. Go to and go to folder Apps ==> Azure ==> <App Service Name>
  6. Upload the files to the above folder
  7. Go to Azure Portal  
  8. Select the App Service ==> Settings ==> Publishing ==> Deployment Source ==> Sync the App Service
  9. View the page in browser.
Note: Similar steps are required even for One Drive.

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